Sunday, September 25, 2005

Goodnight, goodnight

Parting is such a tearful sorrow, I won't say sweet, cause it is nothing but it. Such an end, never fit for one who loved with all his heart. I find myself asking, where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve such a fate of cruel proportions? Nothing, i never hurt anyone, I lived a good if not an angelic life.

I first loved a girl
Then I loved a princess
Soon I loved a maiden
Fourth, a bestfriend
Next love, fate
The last, a shrew

I loved all truly, never false but to different degrees. I was most happy with the princess, beginning till the end, and even now as friends. The bestfriend showed me love I could never have seen, which made her dissappear like flakes in my other country. Fate, was one never to be, irony at its maximum to all. The shrew, the shrew taught me all, gave me a lot and hurt me most. I loved her the most, I loved her and gave her my all. Now, I wallow in regret, regret of not seeing and the other regret which I hold my morals that vanquished like air.

Although now I wait, wait which may seem futile, but still i wait. I wait for what, you ask? I wait for her, if ever she would realize something, anything that could make us be. Futile it is, I know, but i also wait, wait for the time i have moved on, either way, I hope it would be one of the two. Now, I pray, pray to God to stop this pain.

So now I say, Goodnight, goodnight...


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