Sunday, July 03, 2005

Thoughts? Feelings?

A lot has happened this past few weeks. Events which have made me think and use my mind more. My heart still dominates but now I use my head. Not to say that I don't use it before but that I now think more also before letting my emotions run free. To me following your heart is the most important.

If you truly believe and care that what your doing is what you truly want and feel for deep inside then that is truly what you must do. I love with my heart first and foremost. If you don't love with it, how can you love with your mind and soul? It would not be fair to call it true love isn't it? No it is not. True love comes from deep in the heart, in which nothing can stand in the way of your love. If you something stop you then you do not truly love with all your heart. Your love is not that real true love, but a love that is incomplete.


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